Monday, September 17, 2012

Marc Randazza Suppresses Free Speech, Steals Domain Names and is Above the Law. Marc Randazza Vs. Crystal Cox WIPO Madness

We are not here because the domain name could cause confusion.  We do not have a declaration from the president of the international  association of imbeciles that his members are blankly staring at the Respondent’s website wondering “where did all the race baiting content
go?”  We are here because Mr. Randazza wants Respondent’s blog shut down.  

Marc Randazza  wants Respondent’s blog shut down because Respondent’s blog expose the lack of knowledge in domain law and exposes Complainant for hypocritically defending Free Speech, yet attacking a Blogger writing about Complainant Marc Randazza.

Marc Randazza  wants Respondent’s blog shut down because Crystal Cox makes a poignant and accurate satirical critique of Mr. Randazza by parodying Randazza’’s very  rhetorical style.  

Randazza’s skin is too thin to take the criticism, so he wants respondent’s blog shut down.   

Mr. Randazza should seek counsel to advise him that under the First Amendment to the United States’ Constitution, no action in a U.S. Court would be successful.  See, e.g., Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, 485 U.S. 46 (1988).  Accordingly, Marc Randazza Complainant is attempting to use this transnational body to circumvent and subvert the Respondent’s constitutional rights.

Marc Randazza  attempts to  gather sympathy by arguing that he is being defamed, attacked and that Complainant is misleading his potential clients and has been harming him somehow, that that is quite clearly not the case, as Respondent’s site is satirical political humor, not unlike the famous Campari ad in  Hustler v. Falwell.  And Respondent’s blog is to expose the hypocritical actions of Domain Name Lawyer / Free Speech / First Amendment Lawyer Marc J. Randazza of Randazza Legal Group.

"the website's domain name was "protected political speech", and "satirical political humor". "

" Marc Randazza represented Eiland-Hall and filed a response brief to WIPO comparing the case to theU.S. Supreme Court case Hustler Magazine v. Falwell, and asserted that the website's domain name was "protected political speech", and "satirical political humor". The brief explained the connection between the website and their view on Beck's style of interviewing, where he asks his guests to prove a negative. Randazza asserted that Beck's action of going to the WIPO in an attempt to get the website taken down was in contradiction to his prior statements saying he prefers United States law over international law.
Randazza sent a letter to Beck's attorneys, requesting that Beck stipulate to the U.S. Constitution during the WIPO case. Beck filed a supplemental filing in the case, and argued that the domain name was misleading and could lead individuals to believe it contained factual information rather than criticism. Eiland-Hall filed a surreply which said that Beck "attempted to silence a critic by circumventing (and thereby devaluing) the First Amendment". On October 29, 2009, the WIPO ruled against Beck, concluding that Eiland-Hall was making a political statement through use of parody in a "legitimate non-commercial use" of the Glenn Beck mark. Eiland-Hall wrote a letter to Beck in which he voluntarily turned over ownership of the domain name. He kept the website active at and
Commentators analyzed Beck's actions with respect to the "Streisand effect", and noted that Beck's actions with regard to the website have served to increase attention to the site itself. Representatives of Public Citizen, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the Citizen Media Law Project agreed that Beck's trademark claim in his complaint over the website was "preposterous". A journalist for The First Post observed that Beck's claim that a website's domain name was itself defamatory "looks like a first in cyber law". After the WIPO ruling, Online Media Daily noted that a ruling in Beck's favor may have encouraged other U.S. subjects of satirical websites to circumvent the First Amendment to the United States Constitution by taking claims to WIPO rather than airing them in U.S. courts. The assistant director of the Citizen Media Law Project commented on the conclusion of the case, "It's good to see that this WIPO arbitrator had no interest in allowing Beck to circumvent the guarantees of the U.S. Constitution."[1]”

Source of Above Quote

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Rabid Randazza at it Again, Lying, Lying, Lying. Hypocrite Marc Randazza is at it again, Flat Out Lying to WIPO Regarding Blogger Crystal Cox. Marc Randazza, Attorney, will do Anything to Suppress My Free Speech Rights. And to violate my First Amendment Rights.

LIAR, LIAR, Pants on Fire.

Marc Randazza tells WIPO that he "Served" me a WIPO Complaint when he did not. Marc Randazza emails me now and then and I certainly do not open attachments.

I was not served any documents, and Marc Randazza knows full well that I am not in Montana.

 Marc Randazza was trying to "Trick" me, so that I would not respond to the WIPO Complaint. As he first filed the complaint with the CZECH Courts.  Now Marc Randazza tells WIPO that I was notified of the Complaint Being Dropped which was not True.

I was not aware of it being dropped, as the Domain stayed LOCKED.

If the CZECH complaint was dropped, why did Godaddy keep the Domain Name LOCKED. Was this a Favor for Marc J. Randazza, above the Law Hypocrite Attorney ?

Marc Randazza Emailed me, Pro Se Defendent, Blogger Crystal L. Cox during the Obsidian V. Cox case filings and told me that he will NOT Open Attachments Regarding Legal Documents from Pro Se Defendant Crystal L. Cox, this after Marc Randazza was Subpoened in Obsidian V. Cox, I am Pro Se in that Matter, and after Marc Randazza had offered to represent me.  He refused to open attachments in emails regarding legal filings involving him. Here is that Email

Marc Randazza Emails Pro Se Blogger Crystal Cox that he will NOT Open Attachments Regarding Legal Documents, after he was Subpoened in Obsidian V. Cox
Now it seems as though he thinks I am to open attachments from him. I do NOT open attachments from Randazza Legal Group at the Request of Attorney Marc Randazza. Just one more Hypocritical Rabid Randazza Move.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Isaac Eiland-Hall Defended by Marc Randazza in Owning the Domain Name According to Article. Yet Marc Randazza fights Blogger Crystal Cox for Domain Name containing "Marc Randazza"

"His name is Isaac Eiland-Hall and the crudely-design web page that started the controversy is Please be warned: the site is full of the worst types of slander, lies, immorality and childish innuendo.

Isaac Eiland-Hall has a questionable history that stretches back to his time at scandal-plagued University of California, Irvine, where a black market for women’s reproductive eggs nearly bankrupted their medical school a short time ago (evidence here). The university, just outside of Hollywood, has been described as, “home to many young people who enjoy living the fast life of luxury cars, clothes, and money.” Hall fit right in, joining an all-male fraternity where he experimented with paddling the exposed buttocks of college freshman. Eventually, he became so obsessed with “Greek” life, that he ran for student government president on a pro-fraternity platform (Hall\’s campaign page here). Suspicious of his fascination with the spanking of young pledges, the student body unanimously rejected Hall’s candidacy but he was undeterred.
Activist Hall next surfaces in the public record as a Washington, DC-based operative for the group HUCA, the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. HUCA is a federally-funded group which ostensibly promotes the goals of minorities in America’s educational system. In reality, it is a special interest group which receives millions from the Obama administration to rub the Democrat Party agenda on our youngest voters. It has also been associated with ACORN, a group that Glenn Beck himself discredited for abuse of public funds. During this time, Hall came out of the closet with his leftist leanings. He joined KCRG (the Kitchen Communists Recipes Group) and posted a variety of damning comments on the internet such as,“So all you Republican holier-than-thou morons, you can STFU. Oh, and I’m not a Democrat. I hate both parties with a violent passion. I am a flaming liberal!” He operated a company called Panama City PC, which was shut down recently and its website deleted from the internet by authorities. Discredited and exposed, Mr. Hall is currently trying to reinvent himself as some sort of music producer (evidence here). Unfortunately, his creations assault the ears like the unwanted love child of tribal electronica and the Miami Vice theme song.
Facing exposure and prosecution, Isaac Eiland-Hall at first denied that he created the “Did Glenn Beck Rape and Murder a Girl in 1990” website. Later, he falsely claimed it was meant as comedy and parody and was therefore legally protected speech. But the court case against Mr. Hall is clear cut. He has slandered and libeled with the intent to do harm. He infringed upon Mr. Beck’s good name, reputation and copyright. He has sought to profit from lies. He is promoting a radical political agenda for his own secret nefarious purposes. He has made false accusations, akin to crying “Fire!” in a crowded theater. His words are a threat to the livelihood and safety of Glenn Beck and his family. Mr. Hall has tried to hide behind the cliché of “Freedom of Speech” while in truth attacking the very foundations of American democracy. Our Constitution does not allow for defamation or torturing someone for profit. With freedoms come responsibilities. The damage Hall has done to the reputation of the cheerful and ever-popular Mr. Beck is simply incalculable.
Marc J. Randazza


Who is stepping up to defend this criminal? It is none other than Marc J. Randazza, described in hishometown newspaper as a, “slimy liberal incompetent moonbat home-schooled moron lawyer.” Randazza labels himself with the fancy title “Esquire” as if he’s living in some 19th-century English hamlet wearing a peacock feather in his fedora. He runs a website entitled, The Legal Satyricon, in reference to a work by an ancient Roman pedophile named Petronius. (The immorality and sexual radicalism of The Satyricon was brought to the big screen some years ago by notorious Italian Federico Fellini.)
Lawyer Randazza seems to handle only the most salacious of legal cases, mostly involving impoverished bloggers. (You have to wonder what sorts of physical debasements these penniless clients must trade for his services.) He is a professor at a Florida law school (though it’s hard to imagine such a thing) and also claims to be a resident of Gloucester, Massachusetts, a stone’s throw from infamous homosexual politician Barney Frank’s congressional district. Newly-released campaign records show Randazza has been secretly handing off thousands of dollars to Barack Obama’s operatives over the years (evidence here).
Hall’s legal representative is also, curiously enough, a member of FALA, the First Amendment Lawyers Association. FALA is well-known as a radical political group of trial lawyers who want to overturn our constitutional protections of morality and Christianity in favor of an “anything goes” society. It is no surprise then, that this Naomi Wolff-obsessed blogger Randazza has overloaded the internet with the worst sorts of profanity. I can’t even begin to describe the nasty comments this man posts under his complete name on any internet message board that will take him. Randazza’s mutterings suggest the raspy voice of some hardened skid row pimp, purple with rage that his girls might be conning him out of the grubby bills he so desperately needs to pay off his bookie or junk dealer.
Isaac Eiland-Hall


This Hall-Beck scandal has all the hallmarks of being the next Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas showdown. Hall and Randazza’s actions have been reckless and inflammatory. Their co-conspirators (see chart below) have done a great amount of damage to Glenn Beck in particular and journalism in general. Collectively, this group threatens the good intentions of our Constitution with their perversions of moral standards and common decency. This is a new low, even for the Democrats. Fortunately, Beck’s team has won the first round and Hall has been revealed as the secret operative that he is. The slimy underbelly of America’s leftwing conspiracy has been exposed to the sunlight of reason. Hopefully, it will only be a matter of time before the rest of them slither away into obscurity or prison."

Sunday, September 9, 2012

So Marc Randazza what was your Darkest Hour of Terror ?

.. well um..  it was when that big Bad Blogger Crystal Cox bought the Domain Name of my 3 year old daughter, and then I sent Forbes a picture of my daughter and used her to fight back against this Evil Doer, the Unhinged Blogger Crystal Cox. . I am telling ya man, she is Crazy.. they even call her Crazy Crystal Cox.. she's Bat Shit Crazy man.. no one can predict what domain name she will buy next.. its frightening and has me in constant fear.. I even filed a protective order request I was so scared of what domain name she may register next.. Thank God I got my buddy Kashmir Hill of Forbes to lie for me or I don't know what I would have done..

.. Say Marc .. did this Big Bad Blogger, blog about your daughter..??

.. ya man she built a blog and OMG.. blah blah and then um.. OMFG she removed it..

Hmmm .. well Marc there is no evidence that this Blogger actually built a blog on that domain name.. what have you to say to that..

She did man... and boy was I scared, just ask Kash dude, I told her all about it..

So Marc, your telling me that this "Kash" a "Real" Journalist from a world renowned publication, Forbes, she just took your word for it and proclaimed that this blogger had attacked your 3 year old online..???

Yeah .. of course.. Kash and I go way back.. and I am a well respected attorney..

Marc, are you not afraid of being sued for Defamation, I mean you did paint this blogger in False Light, you did flat out lie about her and yet you seem to have no liability nor does this "Kash".. hmmm.. this story is starting to sound a bit Fishy..

of Course not man.. I know the First Amendment inside and out, she can't touch me.. I can say whatever I want..

Even if it puts this woman in danger and ruins her life..???

Hey man, she should not have made an enemy of me.. I told Her.. I warned that bitch.. Now she is getting a taste of what life is like when you cross ol' Big Daddy Randazza ..

So Marc, we gotta rap this up and hope to talk to you soon.. one more question for today.. Will you keep filing complaints every time this Crazy Crystal Cox, the Unhinged Bat Shit Crazy Blogger buys a Domain Name that you don't approve of?  Will you continue to commit a Hate Crime and get your circle jerk buddies in the Porn Industry to blog about her and threaten her? Will you continue to defame Crystal Cox, Paint her in False Light.. and Flat Out Lie about her in order to attempt to save your good name... ?

um.. (scratches balls, licks lips) of course dude.. she is scary and must be stopped, she is reading and thinking too much and exposing too much about how corrupt this here legal system is and she must be taught a lesson.. so ya.. I won't give up. Lying and hypocrisy is what I do best..

Ok Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group, sure was nice talking with you today, hope we can do this again soon.. I will pray for you in hopes that this evil woman buys no more domain name.. bless you Marc Randazza in your Darkest Hour of Terror..

Friday, September 7, 2012

Don't ever Forget the Glen Beck Case, as Marc Randazza is a VERY Big Hypocrite.

Source of Photo and Entire Article Regarding this Issue

Marc Randazza and Buddies sure did make Fun of Glen Beck when he was trying to STOP a Blogger From Using a Domain Name that Accused him of Rape and Murder. Now Marc Randazza is on the opposite end and boy is he piss hoppin' MADDDDD !!!

pics on Sodahead

"The attorney for the site owner, Marc Randazza, has filed a response brief (PDF) that is hilarious in its attack on Beck's thin-skinned and legally dubious argument. For instance, on the notion that someone might think the site was serious"

Source of Quote and more in Support of Marc Randazza

See Marc Randazza sure does not seem to think that anyone should register a Domain Name with his name in it.. WOW talk about Hypocritical Double standards.  Marc Randazza told me I had no right to register a domain name resembling Marc Randazza yet had so much to say when AGAINST Glen Beck regarding a domain name with Glen Beck in the domain name and MUCH worse, as the Domain Name accused Glen Beck of Rape and Murder and was NOT Funny.

Expose the Hypocritical Asshole Attorney Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group.

Email me at 

I will post your story on 

Expose Fucktard Marc Randazza and Not Just His itty bitty Winky. .

Marc Randazza Continues to Deliberately LIE about Blogger Crystal Cox in the name of Free Speech.

On Marc Randazza's blog, and featured in the Lynch Mob, you see discussion over the Stephanie DeYoung comment she posted on Marc Randazza's blog, The Legal Satyricon

The defaming video that the Attorney Lynch Mob made about me shows a Comment Marc Randazza made in which flat out says he thought the comment was from me so he did not post it, you see that at 3:34 in their original video, a comment Stephanie DeYoung made regarding what Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group posted that she allegedly said, the "Internet Predator" post.

He quoted what he had been given that Stephanie DeYoung allegedly said and did not let her have a response. He says in the video about blogger Crystal Cox that he thought it was Crystal Cox herself that posted the comment so he did not let the comment through, knowing full well he had emailed Stephanie DeYoung and knew that the comment was indeed her. He has yet to allow her comment on that post defaming her and Blogger Crystal Cox.

This "Internet Predator" was a picture, assumed to be leaked to Marc Randazza by David Aman, the Plaintiff's Attorney in Obsidian V. Cox. Marc Randazza, in the name of Free Speech, being a First Amendment Attorney and All, has not allowed Stephanie Deyoung Free Speech regarding his posting what he believes to be her words regarding Blogger Crystal Cox.

Here is a video clip taken by me, Blogger Crystal Cox from the Video out there about me called "Crystal Cox Crazy Blogger", which is packed full of lies, partial quotes and bad information.

Well Anyway, Marc Randazza REFUSED to let her comment through. And then in the video above Marc Randazza claims he thought it was from me, Blogger Crystal Cox. Knowing full well that was in NO WAY True.

Email records show that 20 minutes after the comment was made, Marc Randazza emailed Stephanie Deyoung and knew full well that it was her. In fact Marc Randazza tried to discredit me, paint me in false light and flat out lie about me in those emails.

Here are those emails. They are in different time zones. You can see at bottom of the thread, he responds to the wordpress alert, so he knew since the MINUTE she posted it on April 4th that it was not me, yet deliberately painted me in "False Light".

Marc Randazza Paints Blogger Crystal Cox in False Light

Click Here to See Bigger and Download
 Marc Randazza is committing a Hate Crime. Marc Randazza is encouraging his attorney and blogger lynch mob to deliberately paint blogger Crystal Cox in False Light, knowing full well that he had corresponded with Stephanie DeYoung. All this to provide a smoke screen to the corruption I am exposing in a $40 Million Dollar Bankruptcy. And to suppress my First Amendment Rights, to single me out, selective prosecution, and to attempt to suppress my Free Speech. Marc Randazza claims I have changed the tone of my "blogs" to about me instead of Exposing "Kevin", thing is I actively post on my Obsidian Finance Sucks blog and others regarding the Summit Bankrupty, and this is a flat out lie, AGAIN by Marc Randazza. I will list a few on the bottom of this post. I have not changed the "narrative".

Marc Randazza is on a mission to destroy me because I bought, a Domain Name he did not approve of me buying and Marc Randazza is suppressing my Free Speech rights with flat out lies. Instead of going through WIPO, legal channels to determine who has a right to have MarcRandazza.comMarc Randazza claims the story is no longer about Kevin Padrick, well that is because Marc Randazza, David Carr, Kashmir Hill, David Aman, and the Judge himself have changed the focus from the blog post I was on trial for to an "Alleged" crime that I was not on trial for. The Judge Did this to protect his "Cronies" in the Portland Oregon Attorney Fraternity.

  This is simply to divert the story. And to protect the Portland Oregon Elite law firms of Perkins Coie, Sussman Shank, Tonkon Torp and Miller Nash.  And to protect Judge Randall Dunn and the Department of Justice Trustee Pamela Griffith. I still post on the story and roar it as loud as I can and in fact am working on a Federal RICO Complaint over it and FBI, DOJ Complaints regarding what I know in the Summit Bankruptcy. I encourage you all to investigate every detail of the Summit Bankruptcy and the Role of Kevin D. Padrick, as a Federally Appointed Trustee, who was at first hired by the Men who went bankruptcy to help them restructure debt. 4 mens entire lives, connections and families were ruined by the actions of One Man. These "Family Men" with kids, grand kids, lives full of people who love them and count on them, now they face decades in prison due to being set up by the LIES of ONE MAN, Kevin Padrick Hundreds of Creditors and Investors were harmed, and this case will continue to be the most Transparent Bankruptcy the world has ever seen, as vowed by those exposing the details of the Summit Bankruptcy and the story of ONE MAN, a Trustee taking control of the lives and property of hundreds of victims with no accountability or transparency. And in the meantime setting up his own clients to be indicted with his smoke and mirrors illusion.

 Kevin Padrick, of Obsidian Finance Group used his power and clout, his political connections, his money, his past connections with Steven Hedberg the attorney for the creditors, and the power and connections of Tonkon Torp Leon Simson to the Department of Justice Trustee Pamela Griffith, in order to get a powerful position in charge of $40 Million Dollars and a paycheck that last I looked in, was still coming. As of January 2012, the Summit Bankruptcy was still open and the Paycheck of Saint Kevin Padrick was still rolling in.

 I still have tons of blogs regarding the Summit Bankruptcy, I still reject the Offers of Obsidian Finance Group via their Attorney involved in the Summit Scandal, and I state in every interview that the outcome I want is justice for the victims of cases I write about, such as Summit, iViewit, Lightsquared, the Petters Bankruptcy, Montana Corruption and hundreds more.

I want to Sue Marc Randazza
, if you will represent me on contingency, email me at or Here is Stephanie Deyoung's Blog Detailing the Summit Bankruptcy I am also working on a book, with an ISBN to discuss all that happened with Obsidian Finance Group and the Summit Bankruptcy. And Tons more on this Story...

All this HATE, and Lies, to distract from the 
Corruption I am Exposing in the U.S. Judicial System. 

Follow the money, to not be distracted from the story by the LIES about the Messenger. Crystal Cox Blogger Industry Whistleblower

Marc Randazza Blog. Fighting Copyright Trolls. Is there Pattern and History in Marc Randazza's Behavior? Marc Randazza is KNOWN to be "the Most Hypocritical Troll". I would have to AGREE. Marc Randazza is Working AGAINST Free Speech and the First Amendment in Obsidian V. Cox.

Why Did Marc Randazza really contact the Plaintiff in Obsidian V. Cox, BEFORE Marc Randazza let his potential client know that he was going to the Plaintiff's side and discussing my personal information, my strategy? Was Marc Randazza trying to see if he could WIN, before he was hired for or took the job as attorney for Crystal Cox Blogger? Was Marc Randazza trying to make a deal with the Plaintiff, behind the Pro Se Defendant's back in order to change "bad law" for his Porn Company Big Wigs, whom Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group told me called him and asked what he was going to do about the Crystal Cox Case?

Did Marc Randazza have a legal right to talk to Crystal Cox Blogger, me, and discuss being my attorney, yet not agree to such and then take my private information to the Plaintiff to cut a deal that did not involve me ?

The Plaintiff's Attorney in Obsidian Vs. Cox is not just any attorney, the Plaintiff's Attorney, David Aman and the Tonkon Torp Law Firm was involved in the Corruption that Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox has been exposing for over 3 years. Blogger Crystal Cox was getting information found in the search engines regarding the Summit Bankruptcy and the Objection to Fees that Named Tonkon Torp.  David Aman Knew This, as in the Stephanie DeYoung Deposition. So when Marc Randazza contacted Tonkon TorpMarc Randazza was telling my information to the very guys whom I was exposing. Marc Randazza had no right, as far as I am concerned to discuss my business with the Plaintiff's side WITHOUT involving me in any way or letting me know what Marc Randazza was up to, allegedly on my behalf.

Marc Randazza don't Know that I Played Texas Hold Em' for 18 Years and Well I certainly have the BALLS to call his BLUFF. So seeings how I called his bluff demanding I give him Marc, now Marc Randazza is in bed with the DEVIL and affecting the First Amendment Rights of us ALL.

I am considering filing a Federal RICO Complaint Against Marc Randazza, as tonight I see there is Pattern and History in Marc Randazza's tactics.

Here is an Article from a Blog Called "Fight Copyright Trolls".

Title of Marc Randazza Article on Fight Copyright Trolls Blog
"Do you still think that talking to plaintiff’s lawyer is a good idea?"

"I’m never tired of repeating over and over again that talking to plaintiff’s attorney (a copyright troll) directly, not through your own lawyer, is not only a questionable idea, but just a plain stupid idea. Reading numerous comments on TorrentFreak, ArsTechnica, Techdirt and other discussion boards, I sometimes see someone bragging: “If I received a call from a troll, I would tell him…” Wrong! You don’t want to tell him anything. Just hang up. Ignore emails and scary ransom letters¹."

"TAC has pointed to a very-very sad story: a guy from one of the mass Liberty Media Holdings lawsuits received a call from an attorney notifying him that his IP address was recorded in connection with sharing a copyrighted material on BitTorrent, demanding money and asking questions. Instead of hanging up, this guy did the worst thing possible: he answered the questions and admitted that he downloaded that damned movie! He explained that he did not know that it was illegal, probably thinking that a reasonable copyright holder who cares about its business would say something like “ok, you are a good guy, and we appreciate the interest in our studio products, what you did was illegal, please stop doing that and here is the URL where you can buy and enjoy our products legally”.

Note, however, that here we are not talking about copyright holders who are interested in retaining fans and promoting their products. Instead, we are talking about scum of the Earth, disgraced attorneys who can’t think about anything but money right now with as little investment as possible. Ruining someone’s life for a $40 movie is something that these vampires wouldn’t hesitate to do if it could possibly bring them a couple of dollars."

"Marco Randazza, the most hypocritical troll as of today"

Source of Marc Randazza Post and Full Marc Randazza Article

Marc Randazza Quote
"“We did get a satisfactory payment from the prior defendant,” Randazza said. “And while we don’t expect to get $1.75 million from Mr. Brown, we do expect to extract something from him.”

Marc Randazza and Kenneth P. White are Participating in a Federal Hate Crime to be Filed Soon. C. S. P. Schofield of the Pope Hate Kenneth P. White Lynch Mob Threatens Blogger Crystal Cox Physical Harm

It is massively unEthical for an Attorney to have a Blog that threatens physical harm to a blogger.

This is a Threatening Comment on the Blog where Kenneth P. White of Brown White & Newhouse LLP Seems to have incited a riot, and seems to be participating in a Federal Hate Crime.

"C. S. P. Schofield • Apr 2, 2012 @9:02 am

My hope for Ms. Cox, as I find out more and more about he sleazy behavior, is that she try her extortion on somebody able to make the following interoffice memo come true;

"Ms. Cox,

While you were out two large gentlemen named Guido and Nunzio came by. They muttered something about "Kneecaps" and will call again."
As the non-fact and flat out lies of the "" Blog mount, and Kenneth P. White, Brown White & Newhouse LLP and the PopeHat Lynch Mob speculate as to who I am and what they judge I have done without the facts of the story, painting me in seriously False Light.

Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse LLP Blog is deliberately painting me in a False Light, which seems to be in order to aid and abet the silencing of a blogger whom is exposing corruption among Attorneys, Judges, the Department of Justice, and the Culture of Corruption in America.

Kenneth P. White of  Brown White & Newhouse LLP Blog has made false implications, and flat out lied regarding the domain registration of domain names regarding Marc Randazza.

The domain names were purchased by me, Domainer, Blogger Crystal Cox, to make the point that Marc Randazza, Randazza Legal Group does not have the level of internet expertise that he claims to have.

I never said one word that was negative against Marc Randazza, until he offered to testify with the Plaintiff in Obsidian V. Cox, in order to set me up for a crime that I had not been charged with nor was I on Trial for and this was in the name of an Asset Search, enabling the Plaintiff's Attorney David Aman to harass me, and commit Fraud on the Courts by bullying a Pro Se Defendant. After this Declaration of WAR, as I saw it, I then purchased the many other Domain Names regarding Marc Randazza.

The Facts are not being presented to the reader, deliberately by Kenneth White of in order to defend Marc Randazza who really did violate my Constitutional Rights, who really did Unethical tell member of the First Amendment Bar that he represented me, Blogger Crystal Cox and Marc Randazza really did negotiate with the Plaintiff WITHOUT my Permission. If you don't believe it, file a complaint and let me Depose the Attorneys in the First Amendment Bar whom told me this.

Regarding David Aman, Tonkon Torp Attorney accusing me of Extortion, you can see in several Motions I filed over the last year and in the Trial Transcripts I demanded a Public Defender as they were accusing me of a crime. I wanted to have "Due Process",  have a criminal complaint filed and give me a Public Defender so that I could present my side instead of Guilty without a Trial or even a chance to defend myself of these allegations.

Judge Hernandez, as you see in the Trial Transcripts said I was not being accused by a crime and that if the Plaintiff's Attorney did accuse me of a Crime to plead the Fifth. Yet in Judge Hernandez's Denial of a New Trial, a Federal Judge, him, accused me of a the Crime of Extortion which was not true, not proven and I was given no trial in order to provide a defense for this claim. Yet now this Denial of a New Trial Filing by a Federal Judge is used to incite a Lynch Mob against me, and will now be part of a Federal Hate Crime Complaint, Judicial Complaint, and More.

This is a Criminal Conspiracy and Conflict of Interest involving a Federal Judge that has failed to Admit or Deny a Conflict in the Obsidian Finance Group Vs. Crystal Cox Blogger Trial. It is a Felony to Not Affirm or Deny a Conflict of Interest.  I was Denied my rights to due process, I was discriminated against in favor of Tonkon Torp Lawyers. My evidence was not allowed into court, my proof was not admissible, my rights were denied, and fraud on the courts was committed by Tonkon Torp, Obsidian Finance Group and Judge Marco Hernandez.

I, Crystal Cox, in My Pro Se Capacity, had and have a right to a non-conflicted judge ruling in my case. I am filing Judicial Complaints, Hate Crimes, Department of Justice Complaints, Bar Complaints and eventually a Federal RICO Lawsuit. I am also filing a Criminal Complaint With U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder with Felony Charges, Denial of Due Process, and Fraud on the Courts of U.S District Court out of Portland Oregon. Judge Marco Hernandez Presiding.

I am also filing a complaint with the Judicial Qualification Committe of Oregon, Susan D. Isaacs, Executive Director, Commission on Judicial Fitness and Disability.

I am also filing a Lawsuit Against Marc Randazza, David Aman, Tonkon Torp Law Firm and Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse LLP as they deliberately and maliciously paint me in "False Light", Excuse me of a Crime and Defame me with Actual Malice as David Aman, Tonkon Torp Lawyer knows full well he gave that email to Forbes and there were more emails in that thread. I am filing bar complaints against these Attorneys as well, I will share these complaints with my readers when I am finished and they have been filed.

Marc Randazza, acted unethically, illegally in my opinion, in telling Attorneys of the First Amendment Bar that he represented me and telling those same Attorneys that he, Marc Randazza had already contacted the Plaintiff's Side of my Legal Case, to negotiate a deal. This was without my Consent, and was definately unethical if not illegal.

Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse LLP and Marc Randazza himself leaked the fact that I own the child's domain name to the public, I never mentioned it, I never posted on the domain name nor would I. I purchased this name as a behind the scenes slam against Marc Randazza within the domainer and intellectual property industry for those who would see this and that exact name was never to be mentioned on my blogs. Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse LLP and Marc Randazza have used a child as bait to incite a lynch mob, put me in False Light, Defame me and incite physical harm and threats my way.

Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse LLP of the Blog is aiding and abetting criminal activity and unethical behavior among attorneys.

I Believe that Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse LLP of the Blog has connections inside Godaddy that enable him to change technical information regarding other people's links and gets information regarding personal Godaddy Accounts, and publishes this speculation as an attorney inciting a lynch mob against a blogger that is Expose Corruption and Unethical Behavior among attorneys.

I am filing Bar Complaints, and Criminal Complaints with the Attorney General this week. Please Email me any information you have Regarding, Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse LLP, Marc Randazza, C. S. P. Schofield, Or Tracy Coenen.

A Bit About Me.

My Altruism is unmatched. I have spent all of my time, all of my money, my friends money, my families money in order to fight for victims of the Culture of Corruption in America.

I have done this asking for no money in return. I have made a living selling real estate and selling supplements and used my money, my time, in total Altruistic dedication to provide transparency and accountability and to give a voice to those shut down, silenced, jailed, and put in mental institutes because they were exposing corruption in the courts and within law enforcement, banking, real estate and more within their area of expertise, experience of physical location.

I have been in a documentary regarding corruption in Montana. I have give up my very successful main street real estate business in Montana due to death threats and harassment from within Montana Law Enforcement.

I have been set up by judges with protective orders against me that were not mutual and not based in law. I have had death threats in which Montana Authorities and the FBI Ignores.

In Obsidian V. Cox, Judge Hernandez Claimed in a Hearing called Motion to Exclude Sean Boushie, that he was calling for an FBI investigative over the intimidation of a Defendant in a Federal Legal Proceeding, the Plaintiff's Attorney was in constant contact with this man.

This month I was asked to be in another documentary on Corruption, this was publicized and Sean Boushie emailed the Producer to ask when and where I would be interviewed. I sent this to my FBI Connection, as I have every threat for years. Nothing has been done to offer me any sort of protection.

I have lost my home, my personal possessions, my way of life in every way as I made a stand for the Victims of Montana Corruption, Real Estate Corruption, and the Massive Corruption surrounding the theft of the iViewit Technologies Invention. 
Now I get daily tips from Whistle Blowers regarding corruption within the courts around the United States.  I get victims stories daily and I do the best I can in order to give them a voice for free, and I do not ask for money from those whom have made these victims.  I have never received money from the "Bad Guys" whom I Expose in order to Remove information online regarding their "Bad Behavior" this is a smoke screen in attempt to suggest that Hey if the Messenger is Evil and Bad then the Message is not True Right?

Well the TRUTH is, even if I was Evil and Bad, the Message WOULD STILL BE TRUE.

And it would still be NOT MY STORY, but simply a story I was reporting on in order to attempt to make the world a better place by providing transparency and accountability in cases where there is none.

And in the most amazing gift of all, which is why I press on under such massive duress, and that is the Men and Woman whom call me their Angel because I have not only heard them and offered quiet private solace, but I Have ROARED their Story, and I have give them a Voice that all other Media, Police, Judges, Attorneys and more, have denied them.  Oftentimes, this small act in and of itself gives these victims the courage, the satisfaction to go back to their lives as they once knew it, finding peace in the fact that one person heard them and Roared in their Defense.

People beg me daily to take their story, and I simply cannot keep up with it. I do this for Free, and in that I lost my worldly possessions, lost my foundation of life per say, and lost my revenue that I once had that made my network so great in the first place. All this lost to the Altruism of my ability to get their voice, their story, to the top of the search engines in order to give them hope, to turn up more information on their case. And to do my part in bring down the Wall of Corruption that has become our Justice System.

I am doing the best I can to make this world a better place, that Simply. And yeah I use the Power of Domain Names, the Power of Internet Marketing to provide Massive PR, and exposure to the best of my ability to help the victims being shoved in the corner by the Entire Culture of Corruption that is in the smallest towns and courts to the biggest cities and courts.

I have been intensely Spiritual my entire life. I Pray Every Single Day to the Great Spirit and have for my entire life. I constantly talk to Angels, Archangels and pray for signs, information that will help me to do what is right and what is of the highest and best good. I really care about these victims, I fight for them the very best I can, and with the most integrity I possibly can.

No I don't hear voices, thing is I am connected to the Divine and what I do truly is to protect the innocent and to FIGHT for the rights of those who are persecuted by corruption in towns and cities worldwide.  They are one person, one mother, one father, one small company and they cannot Climb the Wall of Corruption alone.

Also Please Note that Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse, LLP, knows that I became a Minister, a Reverend this last winter and is persecuting me based on this Spiritual Decision as well.

Posted Here in True, Genuine Altruism
Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox

Marc Randazza is the ONE who wanted to Work for Me. He Got his Panties in a bunch when I Rejected Him because he was an Unethically Bully. Now his Circle Jerk Friends Believe he is oh so "babe in the woods". My Ass !! Marc Randazza is a cunning, calculating DEVIL.

Constitutional Rights Lawyer? I don't Think SO..

Defender of Free Speech ? NO Way.

Flat Out Liar? You Bet.

I never asked for Money from Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group. I had not written a word when we discussed Internet Marketing. Marc Randazza is a Lying Asshole. Read ALL the Facts OR be an Illiterate Dumbass and side with your Buddy Porn Attorney Hypocrite Marc John Randazza.

The Truth will Prevail. No matter who wins the whiny baby, Free Speech Suppressing Domain Name Dispute.  The Truth will Rise to the Top regarding Master of Illusions, Hypocrite Free Speech Suppression and the Flat Out Double Standards of Domain Name Lawyer, Free Speech Lawyer Marc Jackoff Randazza.

Marc Randazza told Blogger Crystal Cox that his Porn King Clients called him and said What are you Going to Do about the Crystal Cox Case? Well Now We KNOW.

Marc Randazza is on an Ego Trip and is Butthurt because he did not get to Represent NOW Infamous Blogger Crystal Cox in the Obsidian Vs. Cox Appeal.

Marc Randazza is Butthurt because he could not BULLY or THREATEN Blogger Crystal Cox, me, into giving him Marc Randazza .com, the now infamous Domain Name that Domain Name Attorney, Dumb Ass Marc Randazza, was NOT smart enough to buy.

So the "Thieving Little SHIT" is going to Steal the Domain Name by offering to fly to Portland Oregon and be Deposed by Tonkon Torp Law Firm, whom represented the Plaintiff Kevin Padrick and Obsidian Finance Group, not only in Obsidian Vs. Cox but also in the Summit Bankruptcy Legal Issues.  Marc Randazza contacted the Plaintiff's Camp to offer a Deposition regarding the Domain Name, in hope to be able to get a hold of the Domain Name, AFTER Tonkon Torp seizes the Domain Name in executing a 2.5 Million Dollar Judgement against Blogger Crystal Cox, even though I bought the Domain Name after the Judgement.  So every Domain Name they are to Dumb to buy they want to seize to knock down a $2.5 Million Dollar Judgement $10 a Time. Real Smart Bunch of Attorneys.

Crystal Cox, me, is one of the Smartest Women that Marc Randazza will EVER have the Privilege to have communicated with.  After representing myself for over a year, knowing my case VERY well and even getting all that needed to be in the record for my case actually in the record.  As said by 4 attorneys in my Motion for a New Trial and in the EFF AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF ( ) Still Marc Randazza took it upon himself to speak for me in December and contact the Plaintiff's Camp, to negotiate a deal as if he represented me, yet did not sign an agreement with me. Marc Randazza interviewed with me, and then took this information to the other side to negotiate a deal behind my back. As if I have no brain, and even told me I made a mess, when I am setting legal precedence for all citizen bloggers, and those like me who whole heartily, year after year blog to expose corruption.

Marc Randazza will own MarcRandazza .com one way or the other. Acting all "Mafia" on me and saying .. "you reall want to make an enemy of me".  Marc Randazza is on the wrong side of the law and the wrong side of the moral compass and so what if Marc Randazza takes the domain name or implies that he will harm me in some way, I know my Truth and I take the Moral High Road. I expose corruption and give voice to victims PERIOD.  Marc Randazza did not respect me so Ya I went with an Attorney who did show me respect even when he disagreed, he did so with respect and dignity for me, as a woman, a blogger, and a human being.

Get Over it Whiny, Butthurt Marc Randazza

Source Information for this Post.. 

Butthurt in the "news" - or Shall I Say in the Marc Randazza Rant against Women's Rights in the Name of Alleged Free Speech and the First Amendment Double Standards of Marc Randazza.

"Thieving Little Shit" in the News - Marc's own words of another..
Marc Randazza can DISH it OUT but .... BUTTHURT Marc Randazza cannot Take It.

Fuck You Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group.  
You are the Devils Advocate, You have no morals, no respect and you are
on the WRONG side of Free Speech, Morals and The Law.

I Don't Care who a Man is, What He Believes, Who His God is or What his Political Belief is. It is NOT Ok to Accuse a Man of Rape and Murder in a Domain Name PERIOD.

Marc Randazza, KING of Double Standards.

Mark Randazza, in one of his legal cases, it is my understanding, fought for the right for his client to own the domain name, "" - as you see at this link

This, in my Opinion is, NOT ok, and it is not a Free Speech Issue to accuse a man of raping and murdering a young girl, with no base in truth.

Though many say I accused Kevin Padrick of criminal activity with no source, no documents and no fact checking, or basis of TRUTH, that is simply NOT true.

I linked to sources, whistle blower blogs, depositions, videos of meetings, audios of court sessions, court documents, legal filings, internal emails and I interviewed Debtors, Insiders, Creditors, and Investors over 3 Years.

It is sick that Marc Randazza thinks it is ok to buy and use the above domain name. The Hypocrite Marc Randazza thinks it ok for his client to buy and own a sick domain name such as that, in which accuses a man of rape and murder, but it's not ok for me to own Marc Randazza .com.

Marc Randazza told me I had no right to register a Domain Name that resembles his name, sure seems a bit of a double standard to me.

And on top of that Marc Randazza told me that in buying the name and not turning it over to him, I was making an "Enemy" of him.

 So Marc Randazza is out for revenge and is off to Tonkon Torp Law Firm in Portland Oregon to get his vengeance and tell his story about Blogger Crystal Cox in a Deposition for the "Plaintiff's Camp", the very folks in whom Marc Randazza wanted to defend me against in the name of Free Speech and First Amendment Rights for All. Now Marc Randazza has thrown the Greater Good out the Window and is "siding" with the bad guy in an attempt to STEAL my Domain Names and to Set Me UP. All because I Chose another Attorney over him to represent me AND because I, Blogger Crystal Cox, bought a Domain Name resembling his name, What a Crock. I have every legal right to buy, the Question is why in world did supposed Internet Warrior and Domain Name superstar attorney Marc Randazza not have the BRAINS to spend $10 on the most important Domain Name in his Dumb Ass, Egotistical Career.?

I was smart enough to buy the dotcom and now Marc Randazza has drawn a line in the sand and made an "Enemy" of me. All because he is "Butthurt". Well in the famous words of Asshole First Amendment Attorney Marc Randazza, ""Butthurt is not Defamation. Butthurt is butthurt, and you don't get paid for that in the United States of America. Not on my watch."

Source of Marc J. Randazza Quote

More on the War with "ENEMY" Marc Randazza an TRUE Internet Warrior, Blogger Crystal L. Cox

I Play for KEEPS Asshole. I speak for Thousands of Victims of the Culture of Corruption and Even in DEATH You Will NOT Silence Me.  Your Threatened BLOGGER JAIL, will NOT Silence me.  My Story Lives on. The TRUTH Lives On, whether I Do or Not. My VOICE Roars, the Truth ROARS, Even If I am an Enemy of Marc Randazza.

Marc Randazza sure has plenty of double standards as he fights for, Steals, FIles Protective Orders Left and Right, and yet still YAPS about Defending Free Speech?

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Marc Randazza is a BUTTHURT Hypocrite. Marc Randazza is helping the Plaintiff in Obsidian Vs. Cox, because he is "Butthurt" that Crystal Cox Bought Mark Randazza .com, Yet Marc Randazza says "Butthurt is Butthurt" and No Recourse is ALLOWED for Sandra Fluke, So Why Does Butt Hurt Marc Randazza GET his Pay Day REVENGE?

"Butthurt is not Defamation.  Butthurt is Butthurt, and you don't get paid for that in the United States of America. Not on my watch." ~ Marc J. Randazza

Source of Marc J. Randazza Quote

WOW, Shocking words from a man who is So "Butthurt" that Blogger Crystal Cox rejected him as her attorney, even if it was for FREE, that he turned on me, threatened to make me his ENEMY and then Sided with the Plaintiff out to Suppress Free Speech for All Bloggers who Do What I Do.

Marc Randazza is So "BUTTHURT" that Blogger Crystal Cox, ME bought Marc Randazza .com, that Marc Randazza is willing to sacrafice Free Speech for All in Siding with the EVIL Plaintiff in Obsidian Finance Group V. Pro Se Blogger Crystal Cox.

Marc Randazza has Double Standards on Top of top
of Double Standards.  

Marc Randazz is pissed off at Blogger Crystal Cox because I bought Marc Randazza .com, and so he wants "Paid" for "Being Butthurt".  And YES in the United States.

Marc Randazza wanted me to give him the Domain Name that he was to DUMB to Buy, this is essentially wanted PAID for being "Butthurt", Right?

By giving him something that did NOT belong to him, so that he would not make me an Enemy.  That was his THREAT.  So Because I chose to NOT cower to Marc Randazza's Threats, Marc Randazza has contacted the Plaintiff in Obsidian Vs. Cox and offered to give "testimony", a Deposition, in Effort to Help the Plaintiff Steal Domain Names that I use to make a Living and to flat out SEIZE Marc Randazza .com, which I bought after the $2.5 Million Dollar Judgement Against Me.

Marc Randazza is "BUTTHURT" and "Whiny" because Internet Savvy Crystal Cox Blogger was smarter then Marc Randazza, Alleged First Amendment Attorney, but only when it comes to things other then Marc Randazza's Butthurt EGO.

Marc Randazza is really a "Media Whore" and where there looks to be a high profile Freedom of Speech Case there is Marc Randazza Yammering some Gibberish and pretending it is in the name of Free Speech and the First Amendment.  However, NOT when it comes to the Free Speech of Citizen Journalists and Anti-Corruption Bloggers such as Crystal Cox.

Marc Randazza, "Media Whore"  is now defending Rush Limbaugh, and pretending it is in the name of Free Speech, while at the same time in secret talks to STOMP on the First Amendment in Obsidian Vs. Cox.

Marc Randazza, "Media Whore"  is Yapping on the Rush Limbaugh calling a Woman a Slut and Prostitute Case, because Marc Randazza, "Media Whore"  wants attention on him as a celebrity First Amendment Attorney. Thing is that does not mean that Marc Randazza is really for the First Amendment, Free Speech and Constitutional Rights of ALL. FOR Marc Randazza is Not For the Constitutional Rights of Female Blogger Clients such as Me, who DEMAND to be treated with RESPECT, or I will not even let HIM work FOR ME for FREE. There are more important things then MONEY. I have worked for over 6 years, and put my life, ever cent, and gave up everything I knew as my life to Fight for These Victims and I Will Be Damned if I will Let Some, Pompous Arrogant Attorney sit me in the corner and shut me up.

Marc Randazza, "Media Whore", interjecting is Two Cents on the Rush Limbaugh Rant, is simply to drum up business, because he won a case or two, but has sense spent that money and NOW needs to get his nose into High Profile Free Speech Cases to get another Gig. Marc Randazza is NOT Do Gooder for the the Freedom of Speech for All.

Marc Randazza told Blogger Crystal Cox, "you really want to make an enemy of me" and all I, Blogger Crystal Cox, did was Reject Marc Randazza as my attorney because he was pompous, arrogant, self assuming and treated me as if I have no brain. AND I bought a Domain Name that Internet Genius, Domain Name Arbitration Expert, and Alleged Internet Legal Super Star Marc Randazza was to Slow on the Draw to Buy.

Marc Randazza brags that he is the first one that people call in a defamation suit, thing is that is because those people found Marc Randazza in the search engines. Yet Marc Randazza did not have the brains to buy Marc Randazza .com, so now Marc Randazza is butt hurt and working with Obsidian Finance Group and Tonkon Torp Law Firm whom single handidly STOMPED on the First Amendment Rights of ALL.

More on Blogger Crystal Cox Vs. Egotistical Ass, Vindictive, Liar, UnEthical,

More on the Marc Randazza, "Media Whore"  defending Rush Limbaugh
for calling a woman a Slut and a Prostitute.

Got a Tip on First Amendment SCUM Lawyer Marc Randazza?
Email me at OR
Posted Here by Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox

More of Me Yammering About Marc Randazza's BULLSHIT