Sunday, September 9, 2012

So Marc Randazza what was your Darkest Hour of Terror ?

.. well um..  it was when that big Bad Blogger Crystal Cox bought the Domain Name of my 3 year old daughter, and then I sent Forbes a picture of my daughter and used her to fight back against this Evil Doer, the Unhinged Blogger Crystal Cox. . I am telling ya man, she is Crazy.. they even call her Crazy Crystal Cox.. she's Bat Shit Crazy man.. no one can predict what domain name she will buy next.. its frightening and has me in constant fear.. I even filed a protective order request I was so scared of what domain name she may register next.. Thank God I got my buddy Kashmir Hill of Forbes to lie for me or I don't know what I would have done..

.. Say Marc .. did this Big Bad Blogger, blog about your daughter..??

.. ya man she built a blog and OMG.. blah blah and then um.. OMFG she removed it..

Hmmm .. well Marc there is no evidence that this Blogger actually built a blog on that domain name.. what have you to say to that..

She did man... and boy was I scared, just ask Kash dude, I told her all about it..

So Marc, your telling me that this "Kash" a "Real" Journalist from a world renowned publication, Forbes, she just took your word for it and proclaimed that this blogger had attacked your 3 year old online..???

Yeah .. of course.. Kash and I go way back.. and I am a well respected attorney..

Marc, are you not afraid of being sued for Defamation, I mean you did paint this blogger in False Light, you did flat out lie about her and yet you seem to have no liability nor does this "Kash".. hmmm.. this story is starting to sound a bit Fishy..

of Course not man.. I know the First Amendment inside and out, she can't touch me.. I can say whatever I want..

Even if it puts this woman in danger and ruins her life..???

Hey man, she should not have made an enemy of me.. I told Her.. I warned that bitch.. Now she is getting a taste of what life is like when you cross ol' Big Daddy Randazza ..

So Marc, we gotta rap this up and hope to talk to you soon.. one more question for today.. Will you keep filing complaints every time this Crazy Crystal Cox, the Unhinged Bat Shit Crazy Blogger buys a Domain Name that you don't approve of?  Will you continue to commit a Hate Crime and get your circle jerk buddies in the Porn Industry to blog about her and threaten her? Will you continue to defame Crystal Cox, Paint her in False Light.. and Flat Out Lie about her in order to attempt to save your good name... ?

um.. (scratches balls, licks lips) of course dude.. she is scary and must be stopped, she is reading and thinking too much and exposing too much about how corrupt this here legal system is and she must be taught a lesson.. so ya.. I won't give up. Lying and hypocrisy is what I do best..

Ok Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group, sure was nice talking with you today, hope we can do this again soon.. I will pray for you in hopes that this evil woman buys no more domain name.. bless you Marc Randazza in your Darkest Hour of Terror..

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